Cheers, or “prost”, to a great Oktoberfest 2019! Explore Germany with AESU!
The 186th Oktoberfest kicks off on September 21! The world’s largest Volksfest (beer festival and traveling funfair) is held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, and attracts more than six million people from around the globe. Visitors enjoy amusement rides and games, but the real attraction is the vast quantities of Oktoberfest beer offered throughout the festival. Designated Oktoberfest beers conform to the Reinheitsgebot (German Beer Purity Law), and must be brewed within the city limits of Munich. Learn more about one of the most famous Oktoberfest breweries, and celebrate the season of Bavarian beer with AESU!
Hofbräuhaus am Platz
In the 16th century, the Duke of Bavaria and his counselors were dissatisfied with the dark, bitter beers popularly brewed throughout Munich. Rather than import other varieties of beer from Lower Saxony, the Duke decided to build a brewery of his own! With the help of the brewmaster of Geiseneld Monastery, Heimeran Pongraz, the Duke began planning and supervising the construction of the Hofbräuhaus am Platz in 1589. The Hofbräuhaus am Platz is known today as Munich’s famous Hofbräuhaus, and is one of Munich’s oldest beer halls.
Munich’s Number One Attraction
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Hofbräuhaus was considered Munich’s number one attraction. The popularity of the Hofbräuhaus continued to grow well after World War II, and other countries demanded to have one of their own. Today, there are more than a dozen Hofbräuhaus throughout the world, including Dubai, Genova, and Chicago.
The Hofbräu-Festzelt
The Hofbräuhaus sponsors one of the biggest tents at Oktoberfest, The Hofbräu-Festzelt! The tent requires three months to be erected each year and offers space for roughly 10,000 Oktoberfest visitors. Due to the global popularity of the Hofbräuhaus, the Hofbräu-Festzelt is especially popular with international festival-goers! Not only is the Hofbräu-Festzelt one of the largest tents, but it’s also one of the liveliest! Visitors flock to the tent in drones to take in the view and dance to the sounds of local Bavarian music. The menu is exceptional, too! Try the roast chicken and pork knuckle, and wash it all down with a frothy glass of beer!
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Experience an exhilarating adventure on the Costa Rica Explorer, Cosmopolitan, and NYE Cloud Nine tours! Explore Munich on the Euro Focus and Great Escape tours!
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