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How the World Celebrates Earth Day

No matter where someone is in the world, Earth Day reminds us that we all share this planet and the responsibility to protect it.

As environmental concerns are on the rise, Earth Day is even more important this year. Today, people around the world will remember the value of taking care of the planet. By doing what we can to reduce waste and put an end to practices that harm the environment, we’ll make the earth a safer and healthier place for today and the future. And this can even apply to travel. No matter where someone is in the world, Earth Day reminds us that we all share this planet and the responsibility to protect it.

The History of Earth Day

Earth Day began exactly 50 years ago in 1970. Amidst war concerns in the U.S., many people felt there was a big disconnect between people who overlooked the impact of oil and gas consumption on the environment, and those who were passionate about preserving the environment. However, Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson was so taken aback by the 1969 oil spills in Santa Barbara, California that he thought of a way the country could respond to the damage on the environment. Nelson worked with the help of a congressman and college student to build a team of over 80 people to promote events to raise awareness about climate change across the nation. By combining the message of preserving the environment and preventing war, the first Earth Day was a massive success, with over 20 million Americans taking a stand in public demonstrations to stop reckless factory pollution, pesticides and toxic waste dumping, deforestation, and more.

Earth Day Celebrations Around the World

Earth Day may have begun in America, but it’s no surprise that there is a universal concern for the planet everyone calls home. Several countries around the world have adopted Earth Day traditions. From festivals in London and Rome that offer music, fun and education about going green to an initiative in China to reduce plastic waste. You can also participate in Earth Day virtually by watching the official Earth Day broadcast online, or by contrast you can go dark for a day and turn off all your electronics to save energy.

Respect the Earth While Traveling

There are a lot of ways that you can make your next vacation environmentally-friendly. You can pack a reusable grocery bag to bring with you on shopping trips, as well as a reusable water bottle. Also, consider ways to reduce your carbon footprint while traveling, such as ride-sharing and taking fewer flights when possible. It’s much better for the environment to eat and drink local fare rather than something imported over a long distance, and who wouldn’t want to enjoy the local delicacies of exciting places in Europe, Asia, and more? Environmentally-friendly traveling can help you enjoy your trip even more, all while knowing that you’re doing your part to keep this planet clean.

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